To:     Anyone that can help me get out of Jail, namely:___________________
From: Soon to be Jail-Bird: Sheree Armstrong
RE:    My upcoming incarceration to benefit The Muscular Dystrophy Association
I will be arrested and placed in jail at
Barcelona, 263 E. Whittier St.
Columbus, Ohio 43206
April 26th, 2001
I have been charged with committing the following crime and you know I'm guilty as sin:

Having A Big HEART

My Bail has been set at $2000

PLEASE HELP BAIL ME OUT by printing and filling out the information below
and making a tax-deductible contribution to MDA.

Please, I beg of you, help my incarceration be as painless as possible! Your

HELP is needed to fight neuromuscular disease!

I WISH TO DONATE:       $100    $50    $25    $_____

($450 sends a child to MDA Summer Camp!)

_______Payment Enclosed
_______Bill Me
_______Charge it!   VISA  MC  AMEX  Discover

Credit Card#____________________________________ Exp. Date________
Name:_________________________________________ Phone:___________
City:_______________________________________ State:______ Zip______

Pledge Form; Please Help in the FIGHT against Muscular Dystrophy

Email me:

Your Contributions To the FIGHT AGAINST MD will be added to Sheree's Bail Fund. If YOU can find the time to take 5 minutes to write a check or money-order to help, PLEASE make your check or money-order payable to The Muscular Dystrophy AssRemember never send CASH in the mail.
Contributions can be mailed to
Sheree Armstrong   (MDA Bail fund)
PO BOX 6620
Columbus, Ohio 43206

You Are Visitor number

